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The Wooden Monkey believes that sustainable agriculture protects our environment, public health, human communities, and animal welfare. It also produces foods that are better for you than the highly processed industrial alternatives--and you sure can taste the difference!

Take action to safeguard the environment and improve your health by purchasing foods from local, sustainable farms, and of course, restaurants. Come on this journey with us to learn all the things we can do to improve our future.

'Monkey-Approved' Books

'Monkey-Approved' Movies & Documentaries

Facts, Links & Articles

Organic farming/ permaculture/ bio-dynamic farming:

General Principles of Organic Production in CanadaACORN OrganicCorporate Woman Turns Farmer - NY Times

Large-scale factory farming / GMO seeds:

GMOs, A Global Debate: Canada Pushes for FlexibilityGMO and EuropeHungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Corn Fields

Nova Scotia related articles:

Nova Scotia Nature Trust